Hero is our school's Student Management System and it allows us to create a secure online environment that enables teachers, students, and families to communicate, stay informed and view and share content. Hero allows you to read and comment on posts relating to your child, view information on your child’s progress and goals, read and respond to school notices, view term dates and the school calendar, notify the school if your child is absent or late. Details on how to register for the App can be found below:

How To Get The App

As a first-time user, follow the instructions below to get connected:

Select your preferred way to connect to HERO


Select “New User”

Your account will be activated by us during the enrolment process using the email address you provided when you enrolled your children; use this address to request a password.

Add your email address.

Select the “Request Password Link”

Check your email.

HERO will send you an email with a link to follow.

Follow the link.

This will take you to a secure page to enter your chosen password.

If you have problems logging in, please email our office at office@whareama.school.nz to ensure that we have your correct email. 

Setting Up Notifications

Each platform is different, but here is some information to assist you in receiving notifications from HERO.

In the HERO App

Click on your profile image (top right corner)


 Scroll down to My Devices and select your preference from the following options:

On Apple devices

Go to the Apple device settings icon and select

Scroll down to HERO App and select

Select Notifications​

Scroll down to banner style and select persistent.


Whareama School
82 Langdale Road
RD 12, Masterton
Wairarapa 5872
New Zealand

Phone: +64 6 372 3808
