Whareama School provides high quality education for all students, underpinned by our values based vision. The importance of creativity, optimism, resilience and empathy supports our learning and is the driving force behind everything we do. We believe our community is particularly special and therefore the focus our our school is to have an inclusive and welcoming culture for our students our their whānau.

Our strategic goals and initiatives are what our school is focusing on in order to create continuous improvement for our teachers, students, and community.

They are divided into four main strategic areas which are important to us – teaching/whakaako, learning/ako, values/whanonga pono and community/hapori whānui.

_Whareama School Annual Plan 2024.pdf
Report to the Board 2023 Whareama School.pdf
Whareama School Charter 2024 .pdf
Whareama School 2023 Authorised Statements (2).pdf


Whareama School
82 Langdale Road
RD 12, Masterton
Wairarapa 5872
New Zealand

Phone: +64 6 372 3808
