Classroom Programmes

We have a strong emphasis of numeracy and literacy and ensure this is given time every day in the classroom programme. We believe that students need to be taught the basics and taught them well so they have a good grounding to develop and build on throughtout their education at Whareama School. Small class sizes ensure all students are given plenty of one and one support to develop their basics and also to encourage and support their extension in areas of strength.  Play based learning, Inquiry based learning and Impact Projects, Physical Education, Art, Te Ao Māori are taught each week to give the students a wide range of opportunities to show their potential and to develop the whole student in all areas of the curriculum. We also aim to use as many external supports and curriculum providers as possible to help teach our students new skills and for staff to upskill their pedagogy in sports, music, arts and other curriculum areas.


​After a hard day’s work at school we believe that our students need the opportunity to relax and refresh. They then need to engage in activities such as hobbies and other interests. These activities allow them to think and move in different ways where they use other intelligence’s, learn different skills and work with other people. These are all important in developing a range of alternatives for later life. Equally important is time for family activities and conversation. Homework is given on a regular basis to all students, however this is a revision activity and supports the learning in the classroom.

For homework we expect children to read (depending on age) for a least 10 minutes every night. There will be a need to learn spelling words and basic mathematical facts (tables). Also, there will be work completion tasks from time to time. In the Junior class work comes home in a book bag. In some cases there may be research, special tasks and/or worksheet activities. Activities you can work together on include telling the time, using measurement, shopping and money activities, letter and diary writing, drawing, photography and newspaper and TV events. Encourage cooperative reading activities and continue reading to them right up to Year Six. Learning must be fun. If there are any difficulties at all, do contact the class teacher concerned.

Computers  |  Use of Internet

Each classroom is well equipped with computers connected to the school network for students to use and develop their computer literacy. The Senior Room now has access to one on one Chromebooks to support their learning. We use Google Classroom and Seesaw as part of our learning programmes. They are supervised at all times when on the “Net” and are not allowed access to MSM Messenger or chat rooms.

Students are responsible for good behaviour on school computers just as they are in the classroom, school grounds, library, or in attendance at a school function of any kind. Therefore, general school rules for behaviour and responsible communications apply to all use of the computer network.

Ultimately, parents and guardians are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. Therefore, the school supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not their child will be allowed access. Accordingly an agreement to be signed and sent back to school giving permission for internet use.






Whareama School
82 Langdale Road
RD 12, Masterton
Wairarapa 5872
New Zealand

Phone: +64 6 372 3808