Our newsletters are published fortnightly on a Friday afternoon via Hero, Facebook and here on our website. These newsletters are packed with information about upcoming events, activities that have happened over the previous week and important notices that need to be communicated to our school community. If your child attends our school, please make sure you are able to access the newsletter to stay in the loop of all the happenings at Whareama School.


Term Two - Week Two 2024.pdf

Week Two

Term Two

Term Two - Week Four 2024 (1).pdf

Week Four

Term Two

Term Two - Week Six Newsletter.pdf

Week Six

Term Two

Term Two - Week Eight Newsletter.pdf

Week Eight

Term Two

Term Two - Week Ten Newsletter.pdf

Week Ten

Term Two


Term 1, Week 2, 2024.pdf

Week Two

Term One

Term 1, Week 4, 2024.pdf

Week Four

Term One

Term 1, Week 6, 2024.pdf

Week Six

Term One

Term 1, Week 8, 2024 (1).pdf

Week Eight

Term One

Term 1, Week 11, 2024 (1).pdf

Week Eleven

Term One


Whareama School
82 Langdale Road
RD 12, Masterton
Wairarapa 5872
New Zealand

Phone: +64 6 372 3808
